Shot in New York City and well produced by Kevin Porter, Pop/rock artist Lachi’s video “Bug Out” begins with her sitting on the steps of a building in the Big Apple singing and switches back and forth between that scene and the video’s protagonist, played by Sara Teed, as she makes her way through New York City. On Broadway, Teed meets someone selling sunglasses. After purchasing a pair, much to her surprise, she finds that they are magical and allow her to see people’s true emotions. She continues her journey through NYC watching people – seeing greed, hatred, envy, and other negative emotions until she stumbles and falls and is helped up by a man who doesn’t have any negativity. The pair then enter a club filled with people dancing where we see Lachi and her band Meridian Gold performing “But Out” live. This is a very innovative and energetic video, which perfectly matches the fast tempo, very bright and upbeat song with its catchy lyrics (“I’m just going to be me and Bug Out/And have fun/And live life/And have love/And bug out.”) that exude positivity.
Lachi - "Bug Out"